Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hajah Halimah Class (1 Jun 09)

Aktiviti 1

Beberapa buah kumpulan telah dipilih untuk membentangkan hasil proposal mereka. Kumpulan kami adalah antara kumpulan yang telah dipanggil untuk membentangkan hasil proposal kami. Antara intipati pembentangan kumpulan kami adalah:

  • Pelajar menghadapi masalah untuk menjawab soalan esei biologi kerana tidak menggunakan 'keyterms' yang tepat. Ini menyebabkan guru tidak dapat memberi markah penuh walaupun apa yang ditulis/dimaksudkan oleh pelajar itu betul. Namun, markah tidak dapat diberi kerana tidak mengikut kehendak skema pemarkahan.
  • Contohnya yang biasa pelajar tulis adalah "water molecules ENTER the cell wall from higher concentration to the lower concentration". Ini adalah salah walaupun maksud sebenar adalah sama dengan jawapan. Jawapan yang betul menggunakan keyterm adalah "water molecules DIFFUSE through cell wall from higher concentration to the lower concentration"
  • Maka, sebagai guru kami ingin menolong pelajar supaya dapat "tackle" soalan dengan menjawab esei secara betul iaitu MENGGUNAKAN KEYTERMS.
  • Apa yang perlu dibuat oleh pelajar ialah MEREKACIPTA SEBUAH LAGU MENGGUNAKAN KEYTERMS agar ia senang dihafal dan diaplikasikan oleh pelajar semasa menjawab soalan esei.
  • Kami akan menggunakan pre-test dan post-test untuk membandingkan jawapan dan adakah pelajar dapat mengaplikasikan penggunaan keyterms dalam esei mereka selepas penghasilan lagu.
Aktiviti 2
Kami dikehendaki menulis pandangan kami/luahan hati mengenai Kajian Tindakan secara keseluruhannya di atas sekeping kertas dan menghantarnya sebelum tamat kelas. Antara yang ditulis adalah:

  • Sebelum ini saya hanya berpendapat research hanya melibatkan saintifik research atau eksperimental research sahaja dan secara jujurnya tidak pernah mengetahui tentang action research, malah tidak pernah mendengarnya sebelum ini.
  • Selepas memasuki kelas, saya masih tidak faham kenapa action research memerlukan cycle yang banyak dan berulang-ulang? Tidak cukupkah hanya 1 cycle sahaja? Rupa-rupanya matlamat utama action research adalah untuk mencari penambahbaikan untuk berubah kepada perkara yang lebih baik dan mencari method yang paling sesuai agar objektif awal dapat dicapai. Ini amat-amat berbeza dengan eksperimental research.
"Detail"kan lagi proposal terutamanya bahagian perlaksanaan,cara pengumpulan data dan cara untuk menganalisis data.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Lecture Puan Sakinah (29/5/09)


3 sebab perlu capai kualiti tinggi:

  • tanggungjawab kepada pelajar
  • keperluan kepada kecekapan diri & org lain
  • keperluan untuk membuat tindakan dan berubah kepada perkara manfaat dgn melakukan penyelidikan tindakan
Kriteria Kualiti:
  • serupa dengan jenis penyelidikan lain
  • 2 rukun sains dalam senarai penyelidik ialah kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan
  • kedua-dua konsep ini kritikal kepada kualiti penyelidikan tindakan
  • merujuk kepada kebenaran data
  • dengan mengetahui samada data sebenarnya mengukur atau mencerminkan fenomena khusus yang dikaji
  • berkaitan dengan ketepatan data
  • masalah kebolehpercayaan dlm pndidikan selalu berlaku apabila data diambil dari sampel yang terlalu kecil
5 tahap penyelidikan tindakan:
  1. Mengenalpasti masalah
  2. Perancangan tindakan
  3. Mengumpul data
  4. Analisis data
  5. Perancangan untuk tindakan seterusnya
Alat pengumpulan data:
  • pemerhatian
  • nota guru/komen
  • kerja pelajar
  • refleksi pelajar
  • jurnal pelajar
  • ujian
  • tinjauan soal selidik
  • temuduga

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Tugasan: Proposal Kajian Tindakan

Proposal Kajian Tindakan GB5023 Proposal Kajian Tindakan GB5023 Ella

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lecture Minggu 6: Hajah Halimah Harun

Intipati Lecture Minggu Ke-6 oleh Hajah Halimah Harun

Aktiviti 1
Kami dikehendaki mengeluarkan sehelai kertas bersaiz A4 dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut:

  • Nama & No Matrik
  • Major/Minor DPLI
  • Alamat
  • Status diri
  • Mengapa ingin menjadi cikgu?
  • Guru yang paling disukai dan sebab?
  • Guru yang paling dibenci dan sebab?
  • Apakah tugas guru? - Sharing Knowledge with students
  • Lukis gambar pokok dan tulis tarikh lahir & tandatangan
Aktiviti 2
Bekerja secara berpasangan dan bentangkan dihadapan kelas mengenai mana-mana tajuk Kajian Tindakan semasa Seminar Serantau baru-baru ini.
  1. Tajuk: Innovation In Problem Based Learning Through ICT Integration
  2. Pembentang: Simranjeet Kaur Judge
  3. Sesi Selari 2C (Sri Menanti)
  4. Intipati pembentangan:
- 1st cycle: students subwit assignment using Blog but the problem is Blog does not support the uploading of Microsoft Word, Excel and Poweroint
- 2nd cycle: Phase 2-7 use Yahoo group while Phase 8 using Blog. (Yahoo Group can support uploading of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
-3rd cycle: Several words in the assignment changed. Examples "ideas" was changed to "scientific concepts", "consequences" changed to "yes/no" and "pro& cons" changed to "advantage & disadvantage". Phase 6 was permanently removed from the module because it did not contribute in the process of solving the problem.

5. Cadangan: 4th cycle- improving by removing phase 3 because students tended to repeat the same data in phase 2.

Aktiviti 3:
Kami dikehendaki membentuk sebuah kumpulan yang terdiri daripada 5 orang pelajar berlainan bangsa, jantina dan pengkhususan.
Ahli Kumpulan:
  • Ella Syafinaz (Bio)
  • Wan Norsalina (Bio)
  • Tiun Siew Mond (Bio)
  • Nur Sakinah (PI)
  • Fadhli (PI) Ketua
Kemudian, kami perlu memikirkan satu tajuk kajian tindakan yang bersesuaian bagi proposal kami.

Tajuk yg dipilih: Meningkatkan Penggunaan Katakunci Melalui Kaedah Rekacipta Lagu dalam Mata Pelajaran Biologi Tingkatan 4

Proposal perlu dihantar pada Hari Khamis 28 mei 2009.


Journals: Differences & Similarities

Journals: Differences and Similarities Journals: Differences and Similarities By Ella
Thanks for viewing....

Friday, May 22, 2009

3rd Journal Review...

Race and Class Challenges in Community Collaboration for Educational Change
By Linwood H. Cousins, Roslyn A. Mickelson, Brian Williams and Anne Velasco
From The School Community Journal, 2oo8, Vol. 18, No.2

This article reports the challenges of race and social class in an action research project to facilitate educational change through community collaboration with African American parents, community organizations, and public schools. This project was undertaken in Charlotte, North Carolina to enhance the participation of African American parents in their children's math and science course selection and placement in middle and high school. Focusing on the communities of three high schools and their feeder middle schools, this article reports important lessons and outlines strategic implications for future work in the intersection among African American communities, public schools and education, and universities.

African American parents in Charlotte, North Carolina


  • Based at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Charlotte-Mecklenburg School.
  • Workshop in a 6 weeks format. Weekly sessions were roughly 2 and one-half hours in length.
- Recruitment
Recruit parents for collaborating with them. Recruitment strategies included a) radio and TV public service announcements b) speaking at churches and community organization meetings and program officers c) discussions with public housing authorities and parent advocates d) distributing flyers in barbershops, beauty salons and at grocery stores.
  1. Authors employed a mixed method design. During the entire planning and implementation process authors collected extensive qualitative data through field notes, observations and interviews with participants.
  2. Authors selected a purposive sample of racially and ethnically diverse high scholls to receive the treatment and matched them with high schools that would not receive the treatment. Parents of students in the treatment schools were recruited for HOME workshop.
- Helping Ourselves Mold Education (HOME) Workshop
  • Parents who attended learned about their educational rights under the North Carolina constitution.
  • They engaged in hands-on math and science activities and participate in role playing designed to equip them for effectively managing their childrens educational careers.
  • Workshop sites varied in order to maximize convenience for parents. They included the UNC Charlotte campus, community recreation centers, public schools and local churches.
  • Transport provided on an as-needed basis.
  • Authors established a website and developed a project newsletter that mailed out every 2 months.
  1. HOME began 6 workshop series. Three workshop series were successfully implemented. Three series did not have enough participants to make conducting them worthwile interms of the goals and resources of the project, and after one or two initial sessions, the workshops were cancelled.
  2. Parents of African American had concern about social class issues and about protecting the African American community by not supporting a project that could possibly harm and exploit African American people.
  3. Despite the challenges and difficulties, the findings include the fact that the overwhelming majority of parents who participated in the workshop expressed gratitude regarding the helpful things they learned.
  4. Parents who participated in HOME were pleased and wanted others to share the same positive experience.

2nd Journal Review...

Exploring the Contribution of Play to Social Capital in Institutional Adult Learning Settings
By Pauline Harris (University of Wollongong) and John Daley (NSW Department of Education & Training)
From Australian Journal of Adult Learning Volume 48, Number 1, April 2008

This paper explores how play as an educational tool can enhance social capital for adult learners in institutional settings. Our action research in adult education classes focuses on cooperatives forms of play in which pretend, role-play, improvisation, playful activities and a playful mindset were key components. We investigate these play experiences in terms of their implications for nurturing adult learners social capital. Our preliminary findings to date reveal that play contributes to social capital by enriching adult learners engagement, cooperation and sense of connectedness with one another as well as with people, resources and information beyond their group.


  • 1st author trialled three mature age students (school leavers) and one was an overseas exchange student from USA
  • 2nd author trialled with a) younger students who are not long out of school or just commencing work at entry level in the building industry and b) older students who are more established in the industry.
  • 1st author: weekly class ran for three hours.
  • 2nd author: weekly classes ran for two hours. Classes are taught in the daytime for younger students while in the evening for older students. Students are mostly from non-English speaking background.
Action research and Self-study

  1. Authors choose cooperative forms of play in which pretend, role-play, improvisation, playful activities and a playful mind-set were key components.
  2. Planned activities and materials that accommodated and encouraged adult learners perspective, choice, initiative, direction, dialogue, collaboration and involvement.
  3. Gather data through in-class observation
  4. Documented observations as running records and anecdotal records.
  5. Verified observations by talking and discussions with students.
  6. Authors analyzed the data in terms of seeking evidence of each play quality described below:
  • Relational qualities of play
  • Experiential qualities of play
  • Metaphoric qualities of play
  • Integrative qualities of play
  • Empowering qualities of play

- Relational qualities of play contributed to social capital by:
  • inviting and nurturing dialogue among adult learners
  • involving cooperation of adult learners with one another
  • engaging adult learners in sharing and reviewing ideas and experiences with one another
- Experiential qualities of play contributed to social capital by:
  • engaging adult learners in shared hands-on engagement, enjoyment and active participation
  • breaking down potential barriers among adult learners and enticing them into finding shared understandings
- Metaphoric qualities of play contributed to social capital by:
  • providing adult learners with an approach to cooperative action
  • encouraging flexibility and creativity with a willingness to entertain and build on new ideas from one another and except change
- Integrative qualities of play contributed to social capital by:
  • providing holistic experiences where adult learners made connections to and among people, ideas, experiences and resources beyond their group.
- Empowering qualities of play contributed to social capital by:
  • creating a zone where adult learners reached beyond their actual capacities and worked towards their potential.

First Journal Review...

Conducting a Trial of Web Conferencing Software: Why, How and Perceptions from the Coalface
By Dr. Shirley Reushle (Faculty of Education, University of southern Queensland) and Dr. Birgit Loch (Department of Mathematics and Computing, University of Southern Queensland).
From Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Volume 9 Number 3 Article 2

This paper reports on the trial of web conferencing software conducted at a regional Australian university with a significant distance population. the paper shares preliminary findings, the views of participants and recommendations for future activity. To design and conduct the trial, an action research method was chosen because its participative and grounded in experience, reflecting the context and objectives of the trial. In the first phase of the trial, students in postgraduate Education courses were linked across the globe to participate in interactive and collaborative conference activity and to communicate via audio, text and video and shared whiteboard. Mathematical problem-solving was carried out collaboratively in an undergraduate course using tablet PCs. This was followed by Phase 2, a university wide trial across disciplines. Preliminary findings indicate that web conferencing software enables teachers and students at the university to engage actively across diverse locations, supporting a students centered approach and greater flexibility in terms of where, when and how students learn. From these findings, the authors have made some initial recommendations to university management on the adoption of web conferencing to support learning and teaching.


  • postgraduate Education Courses of University Southern Queensland Australia (USQ)
  • undergraduate Mathematics students of USQ
  • University of Southern Queensland Australia
  • Time frame: Phase 1- late 2006, Phase 2- end 2007
Phase 1 (Trial)

The two authors initially experimented with the tool (Elluminate Live!) with postgraduate education and undergraduate mathematics students. Results from this trial were reported to university management, who then acknowledge that a more unified, university supported approach was essential, making the technology accessible for every staff member and not only the technologically curious and proficient. This led to Phase 2.
  1. Elluminate Live! was choosen as the web conferencing software and the trial commenced in late 2006.
  2. The firt author trialled the software in two postgraduate fully online courses in the Faculty of Education and then the second author used Elluminate with undergraduate mathematics students.
  3. The sessions were recorded for later reviewing and supported by further asynchronous discussion conducted within the university learning management system.
Participants Perception:
  • "The Elluminate events were the highlight of this course for me. I enjoyed the interaction and hearing the fellow learners voices"
  • "I found my use of Elluminate a highly rewarding experience. The benefits of this system start with the ease of communication, through voice and visually with the whiteboard"
Trial Phase 2
  1. After monitoring Phase 1 and reflecting on the process, it was evident to the authors that a more formal approach was required in order to promote the concept of web conferencing and recruit more trial users.
  2. Two introduction sessions, endorsed by university management were offered,as well as a number of sessions to give staff members introductory training.
  3. 60 staff members signed up and out of those, twenty responded to a questionnaire designed to seek feedback on their experiences.
  4. Six of those twenty did not use Elluminate, as they were either not teaching or had not been able to find the time to experiment with this tool.
  5. All staff members involved in the rial reported that the student feedback had been excellent, and most staff members were impressed with the opportunities web conferencing offers.
At the time of writing, Phase 2 of the trial has just concluded and further data is being collected from participants across the university.
Feedback from faculty members has revealed their use of the software to invite guest speakers from across the globe to contribute to their students learning experience and the ability to collaborate with colleagues world wide on research and publication work. Faculty members have also observed the following in their courses:
  • students are more aware that they are part of a cohort of students who are experiencing the same challenges and can support each other
  • there has been a reduction in student anxiety in statistics service courses
  • direct help in using software in computing courses has replaced long,imprecise written or verbal instructions
  • visual explanation of symbol-based courses such as mathematics has been made possible
  • some students have experienced increased awareness of assessment methodology and teacher expectations
  • a better service has been provided to distance students, and
  • use of the software has supported the establishment of social presence, particularly at the beginning of a semester.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ulasan Buku Kajian Tindakan (Review of Action Research Book)

Ulasan Buku Kajian Tindakan GB5023 Ulasan Buku Kajian Tindakan GB5023 by Ella

Seminar Serantau Report

Laporan Seminar Serantau

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tugasan Jurnal....

Journal oh journal...
In mission finding it (^_^)

What should I do???
Well.......List are as follows:

1. Review on 3 article journals

2. Compare samples,settings,procedures,accumulation & analyzation of data in terms of :
- similarity and difference
- the researchers method of analysis
- evaluation
- summary
- syntheses
- action research books to support...

Due Date: 25 May 2009!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

4th Week Lecture (11/5/09)

- sorotan ke atas bahan-bahan literatur spt buku, jurnal, artikel, seminar dan laporan
-dilakukan secara kritikal ke atas poin-poin yang dikemukakan

-cari persamaan dan perbezaan berdasarkan kriteria spt ciri, sifat, kualiti dan unsur sesuatu objek.
-kemahiran ini digunakan apabila:

  • terdapat 2 atau lebih ciri/kemungkinan
  • membuat pilihan/keputusan
-perhatikan dan berikan tumpuan kepada 1 atau beberapa ciri kajian tindakan (sampel, seting, prosedur dsb.)
-kenalpasti ciri kajian tindakan itu

-mengolah maklumat dengan menghuraikannya kepada bahagian yang lebih kecil bagi memahami sesuatu konsep atau peristiwa
-digunakan untuk mengenali bahagian-bahagian, memahami hubung kait antara bahagian dan mengenali prinsip yang terlibat.

-membuat pertimbangan tentang sesuatu perkara daripada segi kebaikan dan kelemahan berdasarkan bukti yang sah
-digunakan untuk membuat keputusan bagi memilih sesuatu dan menerima atau menolak sesuatu idea.

-membuat pernyataan tentang hasil sesuatu kajian yang berdasarkan kepada sesuatu hipotesis @ mengukuhkan sesuatu perkara berdasarkan penyiasatan.
- kemahiran ini digunakan untuk membuat keputusan, menerangkan sesuatu, meramal dan menyokong pernyataan.

-menggabungkan idea, unsur, item dan perkara yang berasingan untuk menghasilkan gambaran yang menyeluruh dalam bentuk pernyataan, esei, lukisan dan artifak.

3rd Week Lecture (Dr. Izham)

.:Teori Perubahan.:

Perubahan adalah sesuatu yang x dapat dielakkan dalam bidang pendidikan.
Terdapat 4 jenis perubahan iaitu:

a) Perubahan ke arah peningkatan
• berlakunya perubahan dalam struktur organisasi
• memperkenalkan teknologi baru
• mengadakan program pembangunan staf untuk tingkatkan komitmen dan produktiviti staf

b) Perubahan strategik organisasi
• mendefinasi semula peranan organisasi
• perubahan nilai teras organisasi
• pembentukan semula misi

c) Perubahan reaktif (akibat t/balas lgsung drpd pelanggan)
• kepekaan pelanggan dan stakeholders terhadap isu-isu persekitaran
• perubahan dari segi prosedur dan cara layanan pelanggan

d) Perubahan akibat daripada jangkaan
• perubahan dilakukan bukan disebabkan oleh desakan pelanggan tetapi kerana terdapatnya kesedaran dalam kalangan pengurusan yang perlu diadakan perubahan bagi memastikan organisasi memperoleh kebaikan.

Enam Dimensi Perubahan

1. Tujuan perubahan
- untuk mengadakan penambahbaikan terhadap sesuatu keadaan.
- Ia melibatkan 2 jenis pindaan:
• perubahan yang dibuat untuk kembali kepada keadaan asal yg diinginkan
• perubahan untuk mempertingkatkan pencapaian atau keadaan sistem tanpa mengubahnya
- melibatkan pindaan yang drastik dalam aspek sesuatu sistem spt matlamat, kedudukan dan corak perhubungan sistem tersebut.

2. Unit perubahan
- merujuk kepada fokus utama sesuatu perubahan yang dirancang
- terdiri daripada:
• individu
• kumpulan
• jabatan
• organisasi
• sistem organisasi
• komuniti

3. Sifat perubahan
- mengubah seseorang individu mestilah dilakukan dengan usaha mengubah sikap, tingkah laku atau kedua-duanya sekali.

4. Magnitud perubahan
- merujuk kepada sejauhmana perubahan yang dirancangakan diimplimentasikan.
-istilah spt perubahan yg komprehensif, sistematik dan dalam skala yang besar sering dikaitkan dengan usaha-usaha untuk melakukan perubahan yang memberi impak yang besar.

5. Skop perubahan
- skop terhadap sejauhmana penambahbaikan atau inovasi dalam perubahan dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan instrumen penilaian.

6. Jangkamasa perubahan
-Kottler (2001) dalam kajiannya mengenalpasti 3 jenis perubahan yang dilaui oleh pelanggannya:
• Perubahan yang berlaku secara spontan tidak memberi kesan yang mendalam. Sikap dan amalan seseorangbitu akan kembali kepada asal setelah kesan perubahan itu luput.
• Perubahan minima dikecapi setelah melalui penentangan awal.
• Perubahan yang berterusan merupakan perubahan yang stabil dan kekal.

Model-Model Perubahan

1. Model Penggabungan Roger
- apabila masalah telah dikenalpasti, penyelidik akan menyiasat permasalahan itu dan bagaimana ia akan diselesaikan. F asa ini melibatkan eksperimen dan ciptaan yang banyak dan seterusnya menghasilkan inovasi.
-Roger mengakui bahawa inovasi tidak semestinya terhasil dari penyelidikan. Inovasi mungkin terhasil drpd amalan praktikal dan dikatakan sebagai "knowing-in-action" iaitu inovasi yang dihasilkan melalui pengamalan.

2. Model Kanter
- menegaskan bahawa struktur dan inovasi boleh difahami dengan lebih baik jika proses inovasi dibahagi kepada 4 tugas utama iaitu penjanaan idea, membina idea, realisasi idea dan pemindahan idea.

3. Model Rand
- tujuan utama kajian adalah untuk menentukan faktor yang menyebabkan perubahan pendidikan
-memandu ke arah pengumpulan data dan analisis

4. Model Accot
- membuat kesimpulan bahawa kehendak perubahan dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran telah berkembang secara beransur-ansur.
- 5 langkah:
• Entry
• Adoption
• Adaptation
• Appropriation
• Invention

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Question to be thought.......(3rd Activity)

Aktiviti berkumpulan

Teori Perubahan..
Mengapa orang menentang PERUBAHAN???

Why....Why....and Why.....

::My group point of View::

- tidak sukakan ketidakpastian
- melibatkan pengeluaran kos, tenaga dan masa yang berlebihan
- malas memikirkan perkara baru
- sudah selesa dengan keadaan sedia ada
- takut berhadapan dengan masalah baru yang mungkin akan timbul

::Cara penyelesaiannya::

- mencuba dahulu setiap perkara jika kebaikannya adalah lebih dari keburukan
- sikap diri sendiri yang cepat berasa selesa dengan keadaan semasa perlu diubah
- membuat perubahan yang dipersetujui ramai
- menyediakan akses/bantuan yang cepat dan mudah terhadap sebarang perubahan

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Pandangan Mengenai Kajian Tindakan

Mengikut kefahaman saya, Kajian Tindakan adalah suatu kajian yang dilakukan oleh seseorang guru sebagai penambahbaikan dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajarannya. Apa yang dilakukan oleh guru tersebut adalah MERANCANG apa yang hendak diubah atau ditambahbaik dalam sesi pengajarannya, kemudian MEMANTAU samada proses tersebut berjaya atau sesuai dengan murid-murid, seterusnya MENILAI proses penambahbaikan tadi dan akhirnya membuat REFLEKSI terhadap keseluruhan proses. Jika didapati ia kurang berjaya, guru boleh memasuki pusingan ke-2 (2nd circle) dan mengulangi proses tersebut semula menggunakan kaedah yang lain pula hingga lah mendapat keputusan yang diingini.

Antara contoh cycle: